Wednesday, 11 May 2011


I absolutely get excited every time I hear more about the developments in manufacturing from the manufacturer of hcga products and how they are helping to make the liquid drops weight loss process an even more pleasurable experience. I've not had much opportunity to try many of the other alcohol or water based products that are out there but I have heard how they can sometimes be a little on the "nasty" side of your taste buds.
Since I had never really felt the taste of their product was undesirable in it's "natural" state, the thought never occurred to me that it would be nice to have flavors like, chocolate, or mint, or grape as part of your weight loss protocol. Why, that would make it even more fun as you see the pounds melting away each day and can see how your life is changed for the better and how you feel healthier with more energy and even a better outlook on life. So, who ever said "You can't make a good thing better", should take a look at what they've created. Nope - it's not bad at all.

Tuesday, 12 April 2011


Not too long ago, I found myself thinking about my recent journey into the world of my seemingly unending and futile attempts to lose those unhealthy and unwanted extra pounds that I had put on over the years. It was fortunate for me that my wife had actually discovered a weight loss program that actually worked called hcg liquid drops. So, I watched her go through the protocol with great interest and skepticism. It worked! So, following her success, I decided I would give it a try myself. Not only did I accomplish my weight loss (24 pounds in 21 days) which was a goal I thought unattainable due to my previous failures , but more importantly, I have been able to keep it off for over the past six months while using the hcga appetite suppressant drops. Or you could say my favorite crutch.

Part of my recollection of starting out on the hcg weight loss protocol was a thought that I was becoming reliant upon those hcg liquid drops and I was forming a dependency upon that "crutch" as part of my lifestyle. I actually wondered if this was something I wanted to continue on doing because I almost felt a little less of myself because I just couldn't lose this weight on my own. Sounds crazy but those thoughts did rattle around in my head.

But, it wasn't too long after seeing those pounds start to melt away as a daily process and all the while feeling the appetite suppressant and energy boost ingredients in my hcga liquid drops giving me the daily boost I needed as I followed the protocol that my "tune" changed. I could see that this was only a short term plan to follow but the returns were going to be tremendous and I wasn't going to be addicted to this temporary crutch but more like a permanent, life-changing transformation in my life. A pleasant result of all of this has been my abilities to make this life-style change a part of my new life that results in my improved health and well-being. I figure that "it's never too late" and well worth the effort.

Thursday, 24 March 2011


I guess that question could really include your family as well as your friends. The dictionary would define crabby as an adjective meaning grouchy; ill-natured, irritable or peevish. Although they might fit that description, I can see how you could easily think that was my thought for today but I was honestly thinking of a different type of crabby. Throughout my life, I've tried to expose myself to self-improvement topics via seminars, books, videos, etc. and there is one over riding factor that always seems to be part of the discussion. If you are trying to change your lifestyle by way of your habits, finances, your faith or your health, you will always find those "crabby" friends and family that will exhibit the same behavior that you can observe in a bucket of crabs. Watch them and see how anytime one of them seems to want to break-away from the crowd and do his own thing, the others will reach up and pull him back down into the bucket to be part of their misery and eventual fate. Ever notice how life is like that? If you want to change your life by improving your health and living, eating and disicplining yourself to be healthier, there always seem to be those who want to just reach up, pull you down emotionally and tell you how you can't do that and might as well enjoy what you are and make the best of it. Watch out for those crabs who sit comfortably down in the bucket and persist in pulling you back down. Their fate is not a good one.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011


Who would have ever known that when I was taking psychology as an undergraduate, I would wind up being just like Dr. Pavlov's dogs. You remember how that worked don't you? When he reinforced the dogs behavior he conditioned their behavior so they tied their bodily functions like salivating so that eventually the dogs would start to salivate when they even heard the bell ring, even without the food. Well, I can't honestly say that my experience with the vibrational hcga weight loss program made me into a salavating mutt. Let me explain. What it did for me was to condition me to enjoy the abilities to control what those scales were saying to me each and every morning. I grew to look forward to stepping on those scales every morning as opposed to the terrible feelings I had on every other diet program I ever tried. Even to this day, I feel so much more in control of my life by being able to manage my new life-style. I even take great confidence in recommending to my friends and family the hcga weight loss program. So, I will admit that there actually might be occasions still walk by the scales and think about how great it was to see that daily weight loss that I experienced while following the system. I'll take it.

Thursday, 10 March 2011


Checked your oil lately? That’s a good thought for not only my car but for my attempts to live a healthier, more robust life. I’ve noticed that it’s so easy to slip back into a habit of consuming those oils that help make everything taste better. My sandwiches (Mayo), my salads (Ranch Dressing) and on and on. So, I am trying hard to hang onto the good habits that I’ve formed and grateful to be able to have my liquid appetite suppressant and energy boost to help me out. So what if it’s a crutch, I don’t care and if I can continue to stay focused on my overall health and wellness then so be it. I can live with that. In fact, I can live a much healthier life with that.

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

I have tried several diets but the diet that has changed my weight and my lifestyle is the HCGa Diet Club.

This is the real deal. It works and the picture says more than I can write.

Tuesday, 8 March 2011


Just found that the weekend was not nice to me on my maintenance plan. I found myself in one of those pleasant social occassions sharing good food and conversation with friends and some great tempting dishes, complete with deserts. Even though I restrained myself, compared to my old habits, it did a job on my scales in the next couple of days. But, I am so pleased that I was able to get back "on the wagon" by using my liquid appetite suppressant that is blended with the natural energy boost and of course a couple of disciplined days watching what I ate. Life is good!

Monday, 7 March 2011


Well, after going out for dinner with some friends and getting a little off track on my maintenance plan on Friday night, I am grateful that I could jump back on my liquid drops for my appetite suppressant and energy boost (my small things) and get back on track.
Starting out on Monday back where I want to be.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011


I am so fortunate to have found that "one" weight loss solution that works for me. After trying to fight the fat, since my college days, I finally found a way at age 64 to make the lifestyle change that I needed. I was finding myself huffing and puffing while climbing the stairs and at the same time feeling those achy joints due to my weight. At 6'2" I as at my heaviest ever at 250 pounds and I was concerned it just wasn't going to ever go back down. After finding the vibraational hcga weight loss plan that provides for an appetite suppressant and energy boost as part of the liquid solution, I finally enabled myself to shed that extra weight that I had built up over the last few years. I had actually gotten down to 220 but the process was not one I would recommend. I had been diagnosed with Stage 3 cancer and the chemo definitely took its toll on me. Now, 5 years later and I find myself cancer free but trying to get back to my old college football playing weight of 220 with out the "chemo diet".
Now that I've finished my protocol and lost the weight I feel better, look better having lost not only the weight but inches and pant sizes as well. My joints don't ache the way they used to and I am using their appetite suppressant liquid during the maintenance period and holding my weight gain in check.
I will recommend this to anyone who wants to find that "one" weight loss program that will really make the difference and gladly share my personal testimony of how much better I feel at this stage of my life. After all - what have you got to lose?

Thursday, 13 January 2011

Steak Day On The HCG Diet

If you have already completed the hCG diet successfully you will understand the importance of the Maintenance Phase, do this wrong or half heartedly and don't be surprised if those pounds reappear.

Your goal on the Maintenance Phase is, as the name suggests, to maintain the new you, staying within 2lbs of your weight from the last dose day. This is crucial as your hypothalamus is being reset along with your body's base weight, and any further loss will be at he expense of normal fat which, in turn, is easily regained at a later date, so remember to keep an eye on weight gain and loss during this period, staying within the +/- 2lb last dose weight.

So what to do if you stray above the 2lb threshold?  You take on a "steak day" and it must take place immediately! So with that in mind, you must entirely skip breakfast and lunch, making sure to drink lots of water which will also help as an appetite suppressant, and then…

Eat a HUGE steak for dinner accompanied by an apple or raw tomato.

This invariably will correct the gain and you will be back on track.

Remember the maintenance phase of the hCG diet plan is a lot easier than the very low calorie diet as you are less restricted, being able to eat most fruits and vegetables, but it is imperative to stay within the 2lb threshold.

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

HCG Steak Fajitas Recipe That I love...

Being creative with your food while on the hCG diet will make your experience so much better, knowing what you are going to eat ahead of time can make all the difference, you will also find yourself going back to your favorite creations so that meal times will always be enjoyable.  So expect quite a few hCG diet recipes ideas here that will leave you salivating....starting with one of my favorites, Steak Fajitas...


  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon chilli powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin 
  • 1/2 teaspoon onion powder 
  • 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder 
  • 1/4 cup water 
  • 3.5oz flat iron steak or top round steak. 
  • 1 green bell pepper—cored, seeded and cut into thin strips 
  • 1 medium onion, thinly sliced 
  • 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice.

  • In a zip plastic bag, combine the chile powder with the salt, cumin, onion powder, garlic powder, water. 
  • Add the steak, bell pepper and onion, seal and knead gently to coat. 
  • Refrigerate for 15 minutes
  • Heat a large nonstick skillet. 
  • Empty the contents of the bag into the skillet and cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until the vegetables are crisp-tender and the steak is cooked through, about 6 minutes. 
  • Remove from the heat. Serve immediately.
Serve with a salad or vegetable item of your choice. 

Beware The HCG Doubters...

You know who I'm talking about, whether it is a member of your family, friend or work colleague you will encounter the purveyors of that most unpleasant of words...doubt!

When you decide to embark on the diet you may decide to keep it to yourself, who would want anyone to know that you are planning to lose weight with the aid of pregnant pee!

No matter how expertly you explain the hCG protocol, for those that have never heard of it, they will initially question your sanity...."you're using what!!", "Are you mad?" I found that being prepared for these cross examinations was a big help, have your answers ready, hopefully by now you would have completed your due diligence and be armed with the facts, allowing you to dodge any uninformed curve balls thrown at you.  It is a fact that those who undertook the hCG diet, that had a solid understanding of how it works, what is required and had fully prepared, experience the best results, remember this is no fad, it has been used as a weight loss aid for over 50 years and in my humble opinion is hear to stay. So I'll say it again...before you begin be fully prepared. 

With the huge surge in popularity for the diet, there is a ton of relevant information for you to consume, some written by medical professionals, some from successful dieters and many other informative sites, one I particularly like and a good place to start is this comprehensive site, a great resource and written in layman's terms so you won't get confused! There is also a free e-book discussing hCG diet dangers which gives a fair and unbiased overview.